Georgia, Tbilisi, Chavchavadze ave. 3

Educational seminar “Installation of solar power plants”

Educational seminar "Installation of solar power plants"

Educational seminar “Installation of solar power plants”

The educational project “Installation of solar power plants” was implemented with the support of the Eberhard-Schöck-Stiftung (Baden-Baden, Germany) at the Fazisi College in Poti, Georgia.

As part of the project, a 16.5 kW solar grid power plant was installed on the roof of the Fazisi College workshop and a two-day seminar for college students was held.

The 16.5 kW solar power plant was connected via the net-metering system to sell the excess electricity produced to the energy sales company of Georgia. This system will reduce the energy consumption of the college by a third, and the connection under the net-metering program will allow efficient use of the generated electricity in the summer.

The seminar for 15 college students included both theoretical and practical parts. On the first day, students learned about the history of photovoltaics, global trends, energy transition, types of solar power plants and their components.

On the second day, the students assembled and put into operation a hybrid solar power plant.

Also, with the help of software, they calculated a solar power plant for an industrial facility with the calculation of the station’s performance, estimates of capital and operating costs and the calculation of the payback period.

The main speaker of the course was Irakli Babunashvili, Technical Director of PV Georgia, who has practical skills and competencies in the implementation of various types of solar power plants.

During the opening of the seminar, the Agency for the Development of Professional Skills of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia stressed the importance of the project for the development of the photovoltaics industry in the region and the country as a whole.

Next year, within the framework of cooperation between the Eberhard Scheck Foundation and EUROSOLAR Georgia, it is planned to conduct educational courses at colleges in Georgia on a regular basis in order to train specialists in working specialties for the installation of solar power plants.